Vier de lente.

Lentemenu's, ze zijn er weer. Van een spontane BBQ middag buiten met Restaurant Parkheuvel tot de specialiteiten van Julius Jaspers op de grill.

Nieuw: Carte.

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Eating out at home.

The restaurants and chefs do the preparation, you give the finishing touches at home. On the table in no time, as if you had spent hours in the kitchen.

Mise en place.

The chefs prepare the dishes in their own restaurants. The components are then packaged fresh and airtight, ready for shipment by SOUS.

Finishing touches.

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Een betoverend avontuur bij Can Gelat: Heleen's Verhaal Stel je voor: je bent de winnaar van een luxueuze geheel verzorgde reis waarbij je mag genieten van een heerlijk verblijf op Mallorca, om vervolgens ondergedompeld te worden in de fijnste gastronomie en wijnen uit eigen wijngaard - met als host, niemand minder dan twee Michelinsterren-chef, Martin Kruithof. Voor veel mensen is dit een ver van je bed show, maar deze droom werd vorige maand werkelijkheid voor Heleen en haar partner nadat zij vorig jaar de grote winnaars werden van onze grootste winactie tot nu toe. We spraken Heleen na terugkomst van haar culinaire reis op Mallorca en dit is haar verhaal. We werden direct in de watten gelegd. De reis kon niet beter beginnen. “We kwamen Martin Kruithof de ochtend al tegen op de luchthaven, we zaten op dezelfde vlucht naar Mallorca en hebben toen al even kennis kunnen maken. Dat was eigenlijk al heel bijzonder, dat je zo een-op-een met een, twee Michelinsterren-chef staat te kletsen. Na een korte vlucht werden we hartelijk ontvangen op de luchthaven van Mallorca door Wim, de eigenaar van Can Gelat, die ons met zijn jeep meenam naar een afgelegen oase te midden van weelderige wijngaarden. Dit was de start van mijn onvergetelijke reis naar ‘t culinaire toevluchtsoord.” vertelt Heleen. Heleen vertelt verder: “Als gelukkige winnaars van de Bearleaders giveaway, werden mijn partner en ik met open armen ontvangen door Hilly en de getalenteerde chefs Martin Kruithof en gastheer Mourik. Bij aankomst bij het verblijf werden we direct in de watten gelegd en trakteerde Hilly ons op een heerlijke kop koffie en een stuk taart, waardoor we ons direct thuis voelden, een goede start van onze culinaire reis.”  Als we vragen naar Heleens hoogtepunten van de reis vertelt ze vol enthousiasme: “Alle dagen waren een aaneenschakeling van culinaire hoogtepunten en warme gastvrijheid. Na de lekkere taartjes van Hilly hebben we die middag genoten van een heerlijke paella, bereid door Mourik, en proefden we de eerste wijnen van de eigen wijngaard van Can Gelat. De avond werd ingewijd met fantastische live muziek van een Spaanse zangeres en gitarist, terwijl we onder het genot van een glas wijn genoten van smaakvolle huisgemaakte tapas. Het voelde alsof we deel uitmaakten van een exclusieve familiebijeenkomst, waar iedereen verbonden was door een gedeelde liefde voor lekker eten en goede gesprekken.” “De daaropvolgende dagen zijn we naar het wijnhuis Can Axartell geweest waar we een rondleiding kregen. Iedere gelegenheid stond in het teken van lekker eten en de mooiste wijnen. We zijn ook naar een lokale markt geweest in Palma, waar ze de lekkerste verse producten verkochten. Je kon er ook heerlijke tapas eten en echt alles proeven wat je maar wilde. Er hing zo’n gezellige sfeer!” zegt Heleen. “Het historische stadscentrum is ook écht prachtig, nadat we alle ingrediënten voor het diner van die avond hadden verzameld, zijn we naar het oude stadscentrum gegaan en hebben daar de fijnste en mooiste plekjes van Palma gezien.” Het voelde al snel als thuis. “Gedurende ons verblijf voelden we ons al snel thuis en hadden al snel een vast ochtendroutine gevonden. We begonnen de dag met een frisse duik in het zwembad, waarna we met z’n allen hielpen met de voorbereidingen voor het ontbijt. Na een heerlijk ontbijt brachten Bob en ik vervolgens de schapen op het terrein de overgebleven groenteschillen van de dag ervoor. Het kan natuurlijk, als je met een groep vreemden bent een beetje wennen zijn in het begin, maar het voelde als snel als één grote familie.”“Een ander hoogtepunt van mijn reis was ongetwijfeld de tijd die ik doorbracht in de keuken met chef Martin Kruithof. Terwijl ik verwachtte hier en daar wat te mogen meekijken, werd ik eigenlijk direct uitgenodigd om mee te helpen en te leren, terwijl hij zijn culinaire meesterwerken creëerde. Het was een voorrecht om van zo dichtbij te zien hoe hij lokale ingrediënten transformeerde tot verrukkelijke gerechten, en ik zal deze ervaring voor altijd koesteren.”“Wat me misschien nog wel het meest zal bijblijven, is het bijzondere moment waarop mijn vriend Bob kreeft stond schoon te maken in de keuken, terwijl Martin en Maurik toekeken en grapte dat zij de sous-chefs van Bob waren. Het was een hilarisch en ontroerend moment dat de familie sfeer van Can Gelat perfect illustreerde.”Wat mij voor altijd bij zal blijven… “Mijn tijd bij Can Gelat was een hele bijzondere reis vol culinaire verwennerij en kostbare herinneringen die ik voor altijd zal koesteren. Het was een ervaring die mijn liefde voor reizen, lekker eten en nieuwe ontmoetingen alleen maar heeft versterkt. Ik kan niet wachten om ooit weer terug te keren naar die idyllische plek op Mallorca. Wat een geweldige plek!”

Thuis uit eten in je pyjama? Volgens Susan wel. Liefde gaat door de maag. Dit weet Susan als geen ander. In de podcast Smaakmakers duikt ze samen met podcastmaker Zegert in de wereld eten & drinken. Susan had in het verleden al eens eerder een menu van SOUS geprobeerd. Ze vertelt: “Ik heb toen het bbq-menu besteld, met het mooiste vlees met diverse lekkere bijgerechten, superleuk om met vrienden te doen - er zit echt genoeg in!”. Afgelopen weekend heeft ze een restaurant diner bij haar thuis ervaren. “Ons kind was uit logeren. Ik had de kaarsjes aangestoken en een date night met mijn partner gepland. Ik had het Surf & Turf menu uitgezocht op SOUS. Een 3-gangenmenu met gerechtjes van drie verschillende restaurants, restaurant Aan de Poel**, Parkheuvel** en BijJef*. Om het af te maken hebben we de avond afgesloten met een kaasplankje en een fles bubbels in pyjama op de bank, heerlijk!” Bij SOUS is iedere smaak vertegenwoordigd en ook elke prijsklasse, zegt Susan. “Van een Wagyu menu tot een kaasplankje wat ervoor zorgt dat het heel toegankelijk is voor iedereen. Je kunt bijvoorbeeld ook een pekingeend bij je thuis laten bezorgen of een rijsttafel. Er is een breed spectrum waar je uit kunt kiezen, door heel Nederland.” Ben je benieuwd over welke menu's Susan het heeft? Bekijk ze hier.

Hoe wordt Pasen wereldwijd gevierd? En wat wordt er gegeten? Het is nog maar een paar dagen tot Pasen. Dat betekent natuurlijk dat we ons verheugen op al het heerlijke eten dat daarbij hoort! Je maakt je een voorstelling van dat heerlijke paasontbijt, de paaseieren, en natuurlijk het samenzijn met familie en vrienden. Dat is waar het met Pasen om draait, of het nu een uitgebreid diner is of met een ontspannen paasbrunch. In Nederland gaan we weer vol enthousiasme op zoek naar paaseieren, die natuurlijk eerst vrolijk beschilderd worden. 's Avonds kunnen we ontspannen bij een knus paasvuur, genietend van elkaars gezelschap en de warmte van het moment. Naast onze tradities heeft ieder land zo zijn eigen gewoontes als het aankomt op Pasen. Spanje, Griekenland en Zweden In landen als Spanje en Latijns-Amerika zijn zoete broden en taarten traditioneel tijdens Pasen. Griekenland viert het met een speciale maaltijd na de mis, waar magiritsa, een soep op basis van avgolemono, een hoofdrol speelt. En komt deze gehele familie samen op paaszondag om te genieten van een lam aan ‘t spit. Daarnaast ook veel voorkomend dat de Brazilianen met Pasen genieten van gevulde paaseieren en traditionele gerechten zoals bacalhau, gezouten kabeljauw. Terwijl er in Zweden wordt genoten van een feestelijke maaltijd met gerookte zalm en Jansson's Temptation. Italië Volgens de Italianen geldt het gezegde ‘Natale con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi’ oftewel Kerstmis vier je met de familie, Pasen met wie je wilt. In Italië wordt Pasen vaak buitenshuis gevierd waarbij iedereen welkom is om aan te schuiven bij een heerlijke picknick op Pasquetta, Tweede Paasdag. Naast paaseieren zul je overal de colomba pasquale tegenkomen. Deze zoete cake is een beetje vergelijkbaar met de panettone die met Kerstmis wordt gegeten. Engeland Tijdens Pasen versieren we natuurlijk ook onze huizen en dekken we de tafel met de vrolijke kleuren die bij Pasen horen. De traditie van versierde paastakken komt oorspronkelijk uit Engeland, geïntroduceerd door koningin Victoria Voor het diner eten de Engelsen volgens traditie vaak lam tijdens het paasdiner. Daarnaast zijn de Engelsen dol op hot cross-buns bij de thee of koffie. Ze zien eruit als krentenbollen, alleen zit er glazuur overheen en zijn ze wat zoeter. Ook verschijnt er vaak simnel cake op tafel, een traditie uit de middeleeuwen. Het is een fruitige taart met marsepein erop.  Duitsland Onze oosterburen versieren hun huizen vaak met gekleurde chocolade eieren en paashazen. Voor Pasen organiseren ze paasmarkten met prachtige decoraties en heerlijk eten. Het paasfeest begint al op de donderdag ervoor, met traditioneel ontbijt met ham, worst en eieren, en als diner wordt er geroosterd lamsvlees met asperges en aardappelen, of rundvlees met aardappelnoedels, rode kool, lente erwten en wortelen gegeten. Tsjechië Traditionele Tsjechische paasmaaltijden bestaan uit een breed scala aan seizoensspecialiteiten. Paasbrood, of Mazanec zoals het plaatselijk wordt genoemd, is een absolute must in Tsjechische huishoudens. Lamsvlees, broodjes, eieren en geroosterde ham komen ook vaak voor en worden het best gegeten als hoofdgerecht met traditionele bijgerechten zoals zuurkool en knoedels. Vooral in een wereld waarin alles snel verandert, is het belangrijk om tradities te omarmen en te koesteren. Of het nu gaat om het delen van familierecepten die al generaties lang zijn doorgegeven of het vieren van eeuwenoude culturele festiviteiten; tradities vormen een essentieel deel van ons leven.  Het is waardevol om de gebruiken van vroeger te behouden, maar we kunnen ook bewust nieuwe tradities beginnen, of juist bestaande tradities een nieuwe wending geven. Een ding blijft zeker: zonder lekker eten, is Pasen niet compleet. Nog geen idee wat je dit weekend op tafel gaat zetten? Wij hebben het voor je geregeld. Bestel vandaag nog een van deze heerlijke menu opties voor Pasen.

Chef-kok Terry: "Vanuit mijn passie voor de kunst is uiteindelijk ook mijn liefde voor koken ontstaan, al was ‘t geen liefde op het eerste gezicht!" In de culinaire zoektocht naar wat chefs bezighoudt, gaan we met ‘SOUS Stories’ bij hen aan tafel en bespreken we hun pad naar succes. Deze keer schuiven we aan bij Restaurant STER in Rotterdam. Met Terry Priem praten we over zijn passie voor koken, zijn liefde voor Toscane, maar ook: welk keukengadget volgens hem onmisbaar is. De naam STER komt vanuit Terry zijn graffiti-periode. “STER was mijn tag naam onder mijn graffitiwerken. Daarnaast heet onze dochter Nova, dat staat voor nieuwe ster, en zijn de letters STER ook terug te vinden in mijn voornaam en die van Esther”, zegt Terry. Terry vertelt verder: “Vroeger maakte ik graffitiwerken langs de snelwegen en overal rondom Rotterdam en Kralingen. Vanuit mijn passie voor de kunst is uiteindelijk ook mijn liefde voor koken ontstaan, al was ‘t geen liefde op het eerste gezicht!” Terry is ooit begonnen als afwasser in de keuken en vanuit die plek heeft hij geleidelijk de spoelkeuken ingeruild voor een koksbuis. “De kleuren die ik gebruikte in mijn graffitiwerken en de contrasten ervan, zie je terug in de gerechten die we serveren bij STER. Net als graffiti is mijn signatuur het samenbrengen van harmonieuze smaken en kleuren op het bord, evenals de stoere en speelse accenten" In maart 2019 openden Terry en Esther, Gastrobar STER. Het was al snel tijd voor feest, want het restaurant kreeg een felbegeerde Bib Gourmand van de kritische Michelin-gids. Deze onderscheiding erkent de uitstekende prijs-kwaliteitverhouding van het restaurant. Vorig jaar openden zij hun tweede restaurant, ook in Rotterdam. Restaurant STER biedt plaats aan 55 gasten en tilt de culinaire standaard naar een hoger niveau ten opzichte van Gastrobar STER. "We hebben de stoere sfeer behouden, maar ons fine-dining-restaurant serveert verfijndere gerechten en rijkere ingrediënten," legt Terry uit. "We hebben ook een prachtige kaaswagen, speciaal voor ons gemaakt, en een bijzondere wijnkaart met Super Tuscans uit Bolgheri. Dit was een langgekoesterde droom die is uitgekomen." Bij binnenkomst valt direct de speciale hoek op voor Terry en Esther's favoriete wijnstreek. “In onze wijnkast komen grote namen voor als Sassicaia en Ornellaia en zo’n 60 andere wijnproducenten die uit dat kleine, maar o zo mooie gebied komen, die we graag uitlichten in ons restaurant. In de wijnkast zijn talloze prachtige wijnen te vinden!”, zegt Terry. Een opvallend kunstwerk in het restaurant is een schilderij van een omgekeerde boom, afkomstig van Ornellaia, een échte eyecatcher. Het interieur van het restaurant is doordrenkt van kobaltblauwe kleuraccenten, de favoriete kleur van Esther. "Opvallende elementen zijn de blauwe kolommen en epoxy tafelbladen, en kleurrijke bloemboeketten," vertelt Terry. "Graffiti vormt een rode draad in mijn leven en is verwerkt in zowel de gerechten die we uitserveren als de verschillende elementen die we hebben toegepast in het restaurant." Wat betreft keukengerei, is Terry's favoriet de gasbrander. "Ik vind het geweldig om met de gasbrander te werken, vooral voor het garen van ingrediënten," zegt hij. "Als je bijvoorbeeld een stuk gemarineerde vis kort brandt, krijgt het zo'n heerlijke geroosterde smaak." Op culinair gebied deelt Terry zijn liefde voor Spaanse tapas. "De Spaanse tapas-cultuur is voor mij de mooiste, zeker gastronomisch gezien," zegt Terry. "Mijn meest memorabele ervaring was bij Quique Dacosta, waar we een 34-gangenmenu kregen in 7 etappes. Met zoveel verschillende smaken en structuren was het een fantastische ervaring!" Terry's culinaire opvoeding zag er wel anders uitl. "Ik ben opgegroeid met spaghetti en erwtensoep van mijn moeder, maar mijn ouders hebben mijn ontwikkeling in de culinaire wereld op de voet gevolgd," zegt Terry. "Ze komen nu ook bij STER eten en zijn meer autodidactisch geworden in hun culinaire ervaringen." Over de samenwerking met SOUS zegt Terry: "Tijdens de coronacrisis zijn we gestart met to go, wat veel naamsbekendheid heeft opgeleverd. We vinden het als ondernemers leuk om onze gerechten voor een breder publiek toegankelijk te maken. Hopelijk komen mensen die ons menu thuis hebben geproefd ook eens bij ons in het restaurant dineren!" Heb je SOUS Stories deel 3 gemist? Lees het dan hier terug!

Chef-kok Sander de Jong: “Ik heb eigenlijk nooit een ander beroep in mijn hoofd gehad, ik vind het geweldig!” In de culinaire zoektocht naar wat chefs bezighoudt, gaan we met ‘SOUS Stories’ bij hen aan tafel en bespreken we hun pad naar succes. Deze keer schuiven we aan bij Restaurant Aan de Poel**. Met Sander de Jong praten we over zijn culinaire opvoeding, zijn belangrijkste leermeesters, maar ook: wat er volgens hem onmisbaar is in de keuken. Het is woensdagochtend 11 uur. De mise en place wordt voorbereid en her en der worden nog wat puntjes op de i gezet voor de lunch begint. Het prachtige, met twee Michelinsterren bekroonde restaurant tovert smaakvolle kunstwerkjes uit de open keuken. De locatie – gelegen aan 'de grote Poel’ – is buitengewoon prachtig. We zitten aan tafel met Sander en beginnen het gesprek met de vraag: “Wat is jouw favoriete land als het op eten aankomt?” Zonder enige twijfel antwoordt hij: “Italië! De Italiaanse keuken, met name vanwege de eenvoud ervan. Neem bijvoorbeeld een heerlijk sappige tomaat, een ambachtelijke mozzarella, wat blaadjes basilicum en wat balsamico om het af te maken, et voilà: je hebt een heel mooi gerecht. Met een aantal eenvoudige ingrediënten zet je de heerlijkste gerechten op tafel - om je bord bij af te likken, zo lekker! Ik heb tijdens mijn reizen naar Italië onvergetelijk mooie (culinaire) herinneringen mogen verzamelen.” Sander wist van kleins af aan dat hij later chef wilde worden. Op de vraag hoe zijn culinaire opvoeding eruitzag, antwoordt hij: “Mijn ouders hadden vroeger een slagerij. Als ze daar niet mee waren gestopt, was ik waarschijnlijk slager geworden.” Daaropvolgend vertelt Sander: “Maar stiekem wist ik al heel vroeg dat ik later in de keuken zou gaan werken. Ik kreeg voor mijn vierde verjaardag een speelkeukentje. Sindsdien heb ik in mijn hoofd gehad dat ik kok wilde worden. Ik heb eigenlijk nooit een ander beroep in mijn hoofd gehad, ik vind het geweldig!”, zegt Sander. Sander heeft twee hele belangrijke leermeesters gehad in zijn carrière. Om te beginnen vertelt hij: “Ik heb in Duitsland gewerkt bij Thomas Bühner van Restaurant La Vie. Van hem heb ik ontzettend veel mogen leren. ” Sander vervolgt: “En van Stefan van Sprang heb ik niet alleen de basis van koken mogen leren, maar ook alles met betrekking tot gastvrijheid. Daarnaast vind ik het een hele eer dat ik hier al negen jaar mag werken met Stefan — dag in, dag uit.” Bij Restaurant Aan de Poel staan seizoensgebonden gerechten centraal: “Ons Chef’s menu wisselt elke vier weken. We bieden dan vier of vijf nieuwe gerechten waarmee we écht meegaan met de seizoenen, maar ook met het aanbod van onze leveranciers.” Onderscheidend is dat Aan de Poel de seizoenen eerder ziet als weken dan als maanden: “De ingrediënten zijn vaak echt maar een paar weken in de gewenste kwaliteit verkrijgbaar. Gerechten serveren van topkwaliteit is bij ons het belangrijkst. Mijn favoriete seizoen om mee te werken is toch wel de winter. Het is tijdens de winter echt een uitdaging met welke ingrediënten je kunt werken; ik houd wel van een uitdaging. Het leukst vind ik knolgroenten, maar ook knolselderij, topinamboer, en winterpaddenstoelen zoals morielje en eekhoorntjesbrood. Dat zijn echt wel de ingrediënten die het voor mij de winter maken!” De lente komt iedere dag een stukje dichterbij, iets waar Sander ook erg naar uitkijkt. “Dan gaan we weer meer werken met jonge groenten, zilte zeegroenten, de frisse smaken en kleuren. Als het zonnetje gaat schijnen, dan begint dat weer te kriebelen!” En denk je aan de lente, dan denk je ook aan heerlijke gerechten bereiden op de barbecue. “De geur en de smaak van de verbrande houtskool, dat vind ik écht lekker! Niet zozeer alles langzaam garen op de barbecue, maar het roosteren, dát vind ik mooi. Deze techniek passen we richting het voorjaar dan ook weer veelvuldig toe,” aldus Sander. Over de samenwerking met SOUS vertelt Sander tot slot: “Wat het concept voor ons zo interessant maakt, is dat het voor mensen die niet zo ervaren zijn met sterrenrestaurants laagdrempelig wordt om die ervaring in huis te halen. Zo kunnen wij hen een mooie, eerste kennismaking bieden met onze gerechten en smaken. En dan is het natuurlijk al helemaal mooi als wij mensen na deze thuiservaring ook mogen ontvangen in ons restaurant.” Heb je SOUS Stories deel 2 gemist? Lees het dan hier terug!

Ron Blaauw: “A place where you can relax and a place where you can be yourself” In the culinary search for what keeps chefs busy, we sit down with them with 'SOUS Stories' and discuss their path to success. This week with a real ambassador of the catering profession: Ron Blaauw. Ron Blaauw is one of the Netherlands' most famous chefs. He managed to achieve several Michelin stars with his restaurants. What restaurant means to him? Everything! Being together, a place where you can relax and a place where you can be yourself," says Ron. "But also a place where I feel safe, but above all a place where people are enjoying themselves with a big smile. With the sound of cutlery and the buzz, because that is the ultimate sound.” When asked how Ron was able to reach the culinary top, he answers: “I think I got where I am now by daring to make a lot of mistakes, learning from them, but also falling down and getting back up again. Sometimes you inevitably take a step back, but then it is important to take two steps forward again. But above all: never give up and always enjoy it.” And when you think of Ron Blaauw, you also think of his delicious Indonesian dishes. According to Ron, Indonesian cuisine equals a piece of history and the ultimate taste experience. “A rice table is very versatile with all those different bowls on the table, you can see it as modern tapas. And the great thing is: if you order it, you hardly have any preparation time.” But Ron also invites enthusiastic home cooks to stir the pots themselves: “You can take courses with us to make rendang, sambal and other things yourself.” And of course Ron also has a favorite dish: “The nasi, from the recipe of our chef Agus. He knows exactly how spicy it should be, but the use of trassie in the fried rice is also essential. The taste experience that Agus manages to create is unique. Ron continues: “If I go on holiday to Thailand, I can't wait to immerse myself in the local cuisine. But after two days of Thai food, my throat is dry. For example, I don't have that with Indonesian cuisine: I can't get enough of it. Delicious!" And which cookbooks should definitely not be missing from the shelf? Ron answers with a laugh: “10 years around Gastrobar, of course! And I can certainly recommend the book by Paul Bocuse or Escoffier for those interested in classical cuisine. This contains all French classic preparations, from making a salpicon ragout to a Beef Wellington. I think basic techniques are essential if you love cooking. According to Ron, people often skip this and prefer to opt for a modern or popular book by Ottolenghi or Jamie Oliver. When Ron cooks at home, he enjoys his baked potatoes the most. When asked what makes these potatoes so special, he answers: “That's a secret! I can't reveal anything about that. In fact, there really is a veto on that!”. The most special experience Ron had away from home was with Paul Bocuse. “I have had many wonderful culinary experiences, but this one stands head and shoulders above the rest for me. I was there with my kids, and my son, who didn't like much at the time, was served a great sole. He was enjoying that so much.” The service was also really great, says Ron, “The kids were completely packed, and that dessert trolley was really amazing to see!” Finally, we ask Ron what the collaboration with SOUS means to him. “The collaboration initially arose from an emergency situation during the corona crisis. But even after this period, many people still wanted to eat out at home. And understandably so, because how nice is it to bring a restaurant experience into your home?! And then it is on the table in no time, without having to do all kinds of frills.” Did you miss SOUS Stories part 1? Then read it again here !

Luc Kusters from Restaurant Bolenius*: "I am most proud of the people who are here at Bolenius every day" In the culinary search for what keeps chefs busy, we use SOUS Stories to question various chefs about how they ended up at the highest culinary level, what their most memorable dining experience was - but also: what the craziest experience they ever had with a guest in their had a restaurant. We sit down with chefs in their own environment and discuss their path to success. We'll kick it off with Luc Kusters from restaurant Bolenius! In 2016, Bolenius received its first Michelin star, after which he received the Michelin Green Star for the first time in March 2023. A very special achievement for chefs who are committed to a sustainable future, and that is exactly what Bolenius has been doing for more than ten years. Luc's most memorable dining experience is an easy one: “It was already 25 years ago that the Bras restaurant in France was already a very progressive restaurant with many vegetable influences. That was still very unique for that time. We received a completely plant-based dish in advance, which was truly revolutionary! And to think that Bras, 25 years later, is still number 1! I think this may never change.” When we ask Luc about the cookbook that he believes should be on everyone's shelf, he doesn't actually have to think: “Harold McGee, about food and cooking. In principle the only book that really deals with the facts of cooking. If this book were rewritten it would actually be exactly the same. It is about the science of the kitchen and its facts, a mandatory book for every chef. Many other books are often about the opinion and experience of the chef or writer himself. I also think Michel Bras' book is beautiful.” Luc thinks the craziest experience he has ever had in his restaurant is a difficult question. “I have been spared very extreme things. However, there are sometimes guests who eat the tail of the langoustines, for example. Or someone says they don't eat vegetables. They are very different things, but I sometimes hear crazier stories than this.” Even on the Zuidas it is more stable and conservative than you might initially think! It gives a good feeling that many reliable guests come to Bolenius and that so far it has remained limited to these kinds of small, actually funny moments, says Luc. Luc knew from an early age that he would become a chef. “I found it strange when others didn't know what they wanted to do later because I felt this very strongly at a young age.” Luc has worked at many different companies during his career, and that experience has given him useful tools that he was later able to apply in his own company. His determination and perseverance is his drive “You have to have a lot of patience and be stubborn, especially with Dutch cuisine and especially because Dutch cuisine is very much a topic now.” Luc Kusters is one of the six founders and ambassador of Dutch Cuisine. “I am now even invited to give lectures about Dutch cuisine, and to think that Dutch cuisine was really not done 15 years ago.” This has now changed and more and more people are realizing that we have to deal differently with our food and with the entire food chain. “You see that the world is changing and people's interest in sustainability and plant-based eating is increasing. At Bolenius it is mainly about serving delicious dishes to our guests. It should not be a course, especially good food and also to show people that this offers a solution for the entire food chain. And we want to convey that plant-based is the way to go,” says Luc. For Luc, the word restaurant mainly means having his own place with his own people. “I am most proud of the people who are here at Bolenius every day. Some have been with Bolenius for 8 years. The fact that people stay with me for so long creates trust and also that it becomes a kind of resting point for me.” His masterful dish that he likes to cook at home? Pasta with shells. “If you were to ask my daughter what her favorite dish is, it would be pasta with shells. No haute cuisine at home, but a simple tasty pasta dish with shells.” Finally, we ask Luc what it means to him to be a partner of SOUS, we are of course always curious about that! “During Corona, I have learned that there is a large group of people who find it difficult to go out and eat out. They actually enjoy having a well-organized dinner at home. Bolenius offers a good addition as a terribly tasty plant-based option!” And now let that fit in exactly with our vision. Would you also like to experience Bolenius' special menus at home? Then order the delicious four-course menu, completely plant-based, or choose the menu with fish.

From oysters to chocolate: which aphrodisiacs can be found in the kitchen? Put the candles on the table and the wine cold, because it is Valentine's Day: the day of love. High time for a romantic evening! And yes, even if you celebrate alone or with friends, it can be fun to add some extra spice to your evening with the help of aphrodisiacs. These aphrodisiacs are often found in the kitchen and have a strong influence on our thinking and actions. So, ready to give your romantic evening some extra incentive? We list five libido-enhancing ingredients! Oysters One of the best-known aphrodisiacs is of course the oyster. They owe their effect as an aphrodisiac to their zinc content. Oysters contain a lot of zinc, which actually has an aphrodisiac effect. In addition, eating oysters together is of course very romantic anyway. Drink a glass of bubbles and your Valentine's Day will be perfect. Chocolate Another well-known aphrodisiac: chocolate. And especially dark chocolate, which contains phenylethylamine and anandamide. According to scientists, these chemicals create a feeling of happiness, excitement & euphoria. Cocoa also contains tryptophan, an essential part of the neurotransmitter serotonin, also known as the happiness hormone. And of course we never say no to a little extra happiness. Avocado In Spanish 'aguacate', but in Dutch known as Avocado. Aguacate is derived from the Aztec word 'ahucatl', which means testicle. (or: testicular tree). This is probably due to the shape of the fruit. Catholic Spanish priests found this fruit so immoral that they even banned it. Nowadays, fortunately, avocados are widely eaten again. This is not only good for the libido, but also for general health. Avocado is full of folic acid, vitamin B6 and potassium, all of which stimulate the immune system. Figs One of the oldest fruits we know and which has long been associated with love and fertility: the fig. An open fig symbolizes the female sex organ and is said to be erotic not only because of its exotic appearance, but also because it can increase sexual stamina. Perhaps that is why Adam and Eve covered their private parts with, precisely, a fig leaf. asparagus Fun fact: in nineteenth-century France, grooms were served three courses of asparagus to perform well on their wedding night. Asparagus contains a lot of vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin B1, B2, vitamin E and folic acid. Folic acid in particular can promote histamine production, which in turn helps you achieve an orgasm. Please pay attention! We all know how asparagus can affect the smell of urine. Unfortunately, a slightly less charming side effect during your romantic date, so try to limit those three courses from the nineteenth century to one. . Would you rather celebrate Valentine's Day on the weekend? We get it. These menus can still be ordered for a romantic evening for two (or three, or four)!

New at Les Grandes Tables du Monde: The Green Lantern De Groene Lantaarn in Staphorst, partner of SOUS, is the third Dutch member of Les Grandes Tables du Monde! De Librije and Inter Scaldes in Kruiningen are the other Dutch members who preceded De Groene Lantaarn. Chef Jarno Eggen and hostess and wife Cindy Borger have joined one of the world's most prestigious associations, Les Grandes Tables du Monde, founded in 1954 and which will have 178 restaurants in 23 countries in 2023. To become a member, existing members (only chefs with two or three Michelin stars) must nominate candidates. Jarno and Cindy were invited to present themselves last year, after presentations by members Jonnie Boer (De Librije) and Jannis Brevet (Inter Scaldes). “This is an indescribable honor that still has to sink in,” says Jarno Eggen. We congratulate Jarno and Cindy on their special achievement!

Culinary trip with two Michelin star chef Martin Kruithof to Mallorca (worth €5,500) Ever dreamed of a luxurious getaway where you will be spoiled with the finest gastronomy under the sunny skies of Mallorca? Then we have a great surprise for you. The promotional conditions Place an order before November 30 , 2023 with a minimum value of €100 and have a chance to win a 4-day culinary trip to Mallorca, hosted by Martin Kruithof! The journey ✽ A 4-day culinary trip to sun-drenched Mallorca; ✽ A stay at Can Gelat Luxury Villas in the middle of the vineyards; ✽ Exclusive cooking lessons from Martin Kruithof; ✽ A select group of like-minded gourmets. Participate? Order now from SOUS for an amount of at least €100 and you automatically have a chance to win this fantastic culinary experience. We'll reveal the lucky winner in December. Don't miss this opportunity; let your taste buds discover the world! Tip: Multiple orders, more lots! Increase your chances with every purchase. Bearleaders x SOUS A 4-day gastronomic dining experience in the heart of the Spanish island of Mallorca. Provided by 'Bearleader in Food' and two star chef Martin Kruithof. Martin is an engaging host with an unparalleled dedication to creating the best experiences for his guests. Enjoy seasonal and locally sourced ingredients; an exclusive menu of delicious dishes. You will also be spoiled with cooking lessons, wine tastings and there will be plenty of opportunity to discover more of this Spanish island. Where you will stay & the journey per day Can Gelat consists of two villas with five bedrooms each, each with a bathroom. Each villa has a capacity of 10 people, so you can also rent the entire villa with a group. The beautiful estate is located in a vineyard, with grapes that define the soil and climate of Mallorca and where they produce excellent red and white wines. On the estate you can enjoy pure luxury: a private swimming pool, tennis court, cinema and many terraces to relax. Experience mountain and sea views, take walks or play golf on one of Mallorca's golf courses. It is also possible to take tennis and yoga lessons or book a (mountain) bike tour. Day 1 Check-in at Can Gelat with a welcoming aperitif. Dinner is served at a local gourmet restaurant. Discover the unique flavors of Mallorcan cuisine. Day 2 Start the day with breakfast à la Martin at Can Gelat. Visit a local market with fresh produce in Palma (shopping with Martin for the evening) and take a tour of Palma's historic old town. In the afternoon there is time to relax, exercise or enjoy nature or the beach. In the evening there is a cooking class and mise en place, followed by dinner at Can Gelat. A special lobster dinner is part of the experience. Day 3 The day starts with breakfast by Martin. We will have lunch at a local bodega and taste the best local wines. In the afternoon there is time to relax, exercise or enjoy nature or the beach. In the evening there is a cooking class and mise en place, followed by dinner at Can Gelat. Day 4 On this day you can do whatever you want. On the estate you can enjoy pure luxury: a private swimming pool, tennis court, cinema and many terraces to relax. Experience beautiful mountain and sea views and take walks or play golf on one of Mallorca's famous golf courses. It is also possible to take tennis and yoga lessons or book a (mountain) bike tour. Want to know more about the promotion? Then click on this link.

Cocktails, the drinks that make your summer complete, because admit it, nothing tastes as good as a delicious cocktail. Whether you're enjoying the sunset on a tropical beach, having a drink on the terrace or just whipping one up at home with friends, cocktails have the power to make the moment special. Let's dive into the world of cocktails with a few favorites. Cosmopolitan Also called the shine of the city. A mix of vodka, triple sec, lime syrup and cranberry juice. It is one of the most loved and famous ladies' cocktails. One with elegance and a seductive color, a combination of sweet and sour that will surprise you. Pornstar Martini A cocktail that likes to attract attention, a feast for the eyes and the taste buds. With the tempting mix of vodka, passion fruit, lime and vanilla, this cocktail promises a heavenly experience. With a subtle balance between sweet and sour and a touch of exotic passion, the Pornstar Martini is one of the most ordered cocktails at many cocktail bars for good reason. Daiquiri Travel to the Caribbean beaches because the Daiquiri - pronunciation Dek-ke-ri - originally comes from the Cuban village of Daiquiri. There was an American who ran out of whiskey & gin. By making a mix of rum, lime and sugar, the perfect combination was created between the sour lime, sweet sugar and rum. Margarita The icon in the cocktail world, intended for wealthy Americans who came to Tijuanan. The Mexicans put salt on the back of the hand to lick it, then took a 'shot' (shot glass) of tequila and then sucked out a piece of lime. By mixing just these three ingredients, the 'short' cocktail can be drunk from the glass instead of. to be shot. Espresso Martini The cocktail that has become indispensable, because it has been on almost every menu for a number of years now. A favorite for many coffee lovers, a blend of fresh espresso, vodka and coffee liqueur. This cocktail not only gives you a kick, but also looks elegant due to the beautiful foam layer on top and the decoration of 3 coffee beans. Did you know that symbolizes health, wealth and happiness. Negroni A classic Italian cocktail, known for its complex flavors, a combination of bitter, sweet and dry. Through the combination of gin, vermouth and campari. A cocktail you have to love, one where every sip reveals new flavors. Old Fashioned Sometimes simplicity is the key to perfection and that certainly applies to the Old Fashioned. A classy cocktail where whiskey and style come together perfectly. With bourbon, Angostura bitters and sugar, each ingredient contributes to the deep and rich flavor. Whether you are looking for a classic cocktail or exotic flavors. The world of cocktails has something for everyone. Release your inner bartender, experiment with ingredients and enjoy. Or be surprised by our tasty cocktail boxes.

If you are a true foodie and looking for a unique culinary experience, then the exclusive SOUS Connoisseurs Club is your ultimate destination. The SOUS Connoisseur Club is the place where the best restaurants and chefs come together. In this blog we will tell you what this exclusive section has to offer and what there is to discover. A selection of Top Chefs The Connoisseurs section is a collection of the most talented and renowned top chefs in the Netherlands. These chefs have earned their name in the culinary world and have a passion for creating unique and refined dishes. With names including Michelin star chefs and winners of prestigious culinary awards, the Connoisseurs club is the only place in the world where so many Michelin star chefs can be experienced at home at the click of a button. Exclusive menus and dishes The chefs have created exclusive menus and dishes especially for the Connoisseurs Club. The best ingredients in combination with the best chefs create the finest dishes. A luxurious five-course dinner with matching wines, a menu made entirely from local seasonal products or a gastronomic adventure, there will always be something you want to taste. At the Connoisseurs Club it is also possible to order a la carte, such as the starter from one restaurant and the main course from another, the combinations are endless. Background information and inspiration In addition to the delicious dishes, the Connoisseurs Club also offers more information about the chefs, restaurants and menus. Join the culinary journey through the inspiring insights. Learn more about the passion for cooking, sources of inspiration from the chefs and restaurants. If you are a true foodie looking for the culinary experience, sign up now for the SOUS Connoisseurs Club . With a selection of top chefs, restaurants and exclusive menus, the Connoisseurs C lub offers you a chance to explore the culinary world at home.

Barbecuing is a popular way of cooking all over the world, especially during this time of year. It is not only a way to prepare delicious food, but also to get together with friends and family. In this article we tell you the best barbecue restaurants in the world, known for their unforgettable flavors and experiences. 1. Franklin Barbecue Franklin Barbecue - Austin, Texas, United States Franklin Barbecue is an iconic barbecue restaurant in Austin, Texas, known for its tasty brisket and long lines. The restaurant, owned by chef Aaron Franklin, has a long waiting list due to its popularity. The meat is prepared with oak wood and the result is a delicious taste and texture that is a must-try for anyone who loves barbecue. At Franklin Barbecue, bristket is on the menu as the specialty. Brisket is a piece of meat from the breast or underbreast of beef or veal. The beef brisket is one of the nine primal cuts of beef, although the definition of the cut varies internationally. In addition to brisket, there are also other delicious barbecue dishes, including pork ribs and sausages. The restaurant is not only popular with locals, but also attracts visitors from around the world looking for an authentic Texas barbecue experience. 2. 4 Rivers Smokehouse 4 Rivers Smokehouse - Orlando, Florida, United States 4 Rivers Smokehouse is a barbecue restaurant in Orlando, Florida, known for its delicious and innovative barbecue dishes. Owned by Chef John Rivers, the restaurant offers a wide range of flavors and styles, from traditional brisket to unique dishes like a Barbecue Sundae. The 4 Rivers Smokehouse menu also includes delicious side dishes such as macaroni and cheese and sweet potato chips. The restaurant has become a popular destination for visitors to Disney World and other area attractions. 3. La Carnita La Carnita - Toronto, Canada La Carnita is a Mexican barbecue restaurant in Toronto, Canada, known for its unique and tasty dishes. The restaurant, owned by Chef Andrew Richmond, offers an innovative take on Mexican barbecue dishes. In addition to delicious barbecue dishes, La Carnita's menu also includes classic Mexican dishes such as tacos and guacamole. A delicious dish to make at home is the La Coen-Nita, view the recipe here . In addition to the delicious food, the restaurant has a unique atmosphere with graffiti murals and a lively atmosphere that appeals to guests. 4. Black's Barbecue Black's Barbecue - Lockhart, Texas, United States Black's Barbecue is a historic barbecue restaurant in Lockhart, Texas that has been in business for over 90 years. The restaurant, owned by the Black family, is known for its delicious brisket and sausages cooked over an open fire. If you have the opportunity to barbecue on an open fire, definitely try it. Black's Barbecue's menu also features delicious ribs and pork and is served with an assortment of sides such as pickles, onions and white bread. The restaurant is a must-try for anyone looking for an authentic Texas barbecue experience. 5. Barbecue Barbecoa - London, United Kingdom Barbecoa is a barbecue restaurant in London, United Kingdom, owned by chef Jamie Oliver. The restaurant offers a unique look at barbecue techniques and dishes from all over the world. In addition to delicious barbecue dishes, Barbecoa's menu also includes steaks, chicken and seafood prepared on an open fire. The restaurant also has an extensive wine list and offers guests a refined dining experience. Barbecuing is a popular way of cooking around the world and there are many restaurants known for their delicious barbecue dishes. Whether you're looking for an authentic Texas barbecue experience or an innovative take on barbecue dishes, these restaurants offer it all. A visit to one of these restaurants is not only an opportunity to taste delicious food, but also to enjoy the cozy atmosphere and being together with friends and family. So if you are ever near one of these restaurants, don't hesitate to drop by. If you are a barbecue lover, you should definitely visit one of these restaurants for an unforgettable dining experience.

A versatile addition to dishes that can complete the taste and texture of the dish. Whether it's a simple tomato sauce with pasta or a creamy béarnaise sauce with steak, sauces are an essential part of many culinary traditions around the world. Types of sauces There are many different types of sauces used in different parts of the world, each with their own unique taste and characteristics. Here are some examples with matching dishes: In Italian cuisine, tomato sauces are a basis for many dishes. Other popular sauces that are definitely worth trying for a change are pesto, Alfredo sauce and carbonara sauce. For the summer, a delicious grilled salmon with a dill-Alfredo sauce and a lemon. Or a zucchini carbonara with Parmesan cheese and black pepper. If you prefer creamy, buttery sauces such as hollandaise and béarnaise, then French cuisine is perfect for you. In addition to the creamy sauces, full-flavored sauces such as red wine sauce and Dijon mustard sauce are always a good choice. Two delicious dishes without meat with these sauces are, for example; the portobello mushrooms with red wine sauce and truffle oil and the quinoa salad with vegetables and Dijon mustard vinaigrette. The well-known soy sauces, chili sauces, oyster sauces and hoisin sauces are often used in Asian cuisine. For a quick and simple dish with lots of flavor, stir-fry noodles are always a good choice. For this dish you can combine endlessly with vegetables, fish, meat and sauces. Take a look at what you have left at home and make use of it. Importance of sauces in dishes A good sauce is not only tasty, but can also help balance the flavors of the other ingredients in a dish. Experiment with sauces and add that sauce for a new experience. Ingredients and preparation One of the most important aspects of making a good sauce is choosing the right ingredients. Different types of sauces require different ingredients, but some of the most common ingredients include butter, cream, milk, vinegar, oil, mustard, herbs and spices. Some sauces are also fortified with wine or stock to enhance their flavor. Vary, experiment and discover those delicious "new" sauces.

Sunday, June 18 is Father's Day and that means that something has to be planned and arranged. Father's Day is the perfect opportunity to thank your father for everything he has done for you and to spoil him. Putting it in the spotlight will work with this lovely summer weather. But what should you give as a gift? Don't worry, we will help you. What could be better than a day full of fun, good food and quality time in the sun? We will help you organize a delicious BBQ so you can enjoy it together! Of course you can steal the show at the BBQ, but why not make it shine even more? Hand over the reins and put your father behind the BBQ. You ensure that everything is already prepared and marinated: from tender steaks to delicious vegetables! View all our Father's Day specials here. In short, Father's Day is all about the following: put your father in the spotlight and enjoy an unforgettable day with the family. Whether you're having a BBQ or just spending a day with the family: the most important thing is that he feels appreciated and loved. So put your father in the spotlight and let him shine on his special day. He deserves it!

Have you ever felt like your body needs a detox? Maybe you feel tired and lethargic, suffer from headaches or nausea, or just want to start the summer fresh again. If so, you can easily help your body eliminate toxins. You don't have to go to expensive detox clinics or starve yourself to detox your body. There are many natural products you can use to cleanse your body. Here are some of the best natural products to detox your body: Cinnamon Cinnamon is not only a delicious spice, it also has detoxifying properties. Cinnamon contains antioxidants that fight free radicals and protect the body from damage from toxins. It can also help regulate blood sugar levels and improve digestion. Try adding a pinch of cinnamon to your morning coffee or smoothie to start your day right. What is also very tasty: apple with cinnamon! Ginger Ginger is another natural product known for its detoxifying properties. It helps remove toxins from the body by stimulating blood circulation and improving digestion. Ginger can also help relieve inflammation and reduce nausea. Try drinking ginger tea after a heavy meal or add fresh ginger to your smoothie. A cup of fresh ginger tea for the evening on the couch, delicious! Lemon Lemons are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants that protect the body from damage from toxins. It can also help stimulate the liver, the organ responsible for detoxifying the body. Try drinking a glass of warm water with lemon juice in the morning to start your day right. Turmeric Turmeric is a spice known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It can also help stimulate the liver and reduce inflammation in the body. Try adding turmeric to your evening meal or make a turmeric latte to enjoy before bed. Also delicious with your chicken and rice for dinner. Green tea Green tea contains antioxidants that protect the body from damage from toxins. It can also help reduce inflammation and improve digestion. Try drinking green tea as an alternative to coffee and an extra boost of antioxidants. While these natural products can help detox your body, it's important to remember that a detox is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. Make sure you also drink enough water, get enough sleep, exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet to support your body in removing toxins. Try adding these natural products to your daily routine to detox your body and give yourself a fresh start. But don't forget to also enjoy the process and experiment with different flavors and recipes!

The days are getting longer, the sun shines more often and the BBQ season has started again. Nothing is better than enjoying a delicious BBQ with friends and family on a warm summer evening. But why is BBQing so popular and what makes it so popular? One of the main reasons why people love BBQ is because it is a delicious way to enjoy and share. Whether you like steaks, crispy vegetables or tasty burgers, there is something for everyone to grill on the BBQ. In addition, there are different preparation methods, such as the use of charcoal, gas or electricity, the different techniques ensure a difference in taste and texture. BBQing is not just for meat eaters. Vegetarians can also enjoy the BBQ. There are plenty of delicious vegetarian dishes you can grill, such as grilled vegetables, corn on the cob, tofu and pizza. Enough choice for everyone! BBQyou BBQme BBQeverybody! BBQing is an opportunity to get together and enjoy each other's company. Wonderful to enjoy the beautiful weather at the end of the day. You can make it as crazy as you want: from a spontaneous BBQ with some easy dishes to days of preparations with decoration, lighting, music and invitations. The art of BBQing lies in the marinades. This allows you to continue to vary and combine. Let the herbs do the work. For best results, marinate the vegetables or meat well in advance so that all the flavors can be absorbed properly. BBQing is not just something for the summer months. Of course it is wonderful to have a BBQ together on a warm summer evening, but you can have a BBQ all year round. A winter BBQ can be extra cozy, with everyone sitting close together around the fire. But for now we can enjoy the sun. What do you serve on your BBQ?

From far to near Since corona it has become indispensable. Enjoy good food in the comfort of your own home. Eating out is fun, but staying at home also has its charms. Maybe you can't leave the house, you don't feel like it or you just want to stay home for a while. With SOUS you can enjoy the tastiest food from the best restaurants, but at home. And the best part? Our menus can be prepared in no time, so all you have to do is set the table and enjoy! SOUS: the new way of eating out Thanks to SOUS you can experience what it is like to be a Michelin chef. You get the dishes delivered to your home and only do the finishing touches. This way you have the feeling that you have cooked yourself, but without having to spend hours in the supermarket or kitchen. Nice right? :) Thanks to our partner restaurants and chefs, SOUS offers you the opportunity to have beautiful menus delivered to your home. Pamper yourself and enjoy culinary delights!

Mother's Day is coming again and that means it's time to celebrate the special woman in our lives. What could be better than surprising her with a delicious meal? At SOUS, the premium meal box platform, we have an extensive range of culinary delights. This allows you to eat out at home and enjoy the best restaurants. Mothers play an indispensable role in our lives. They have raised, cared for and supported us throughout all times. They taught us how to live and how to love. Mother's Day is an opportunity to thank our mothers for their hard work, their love and their dedication. The menus are carefully put together by top chefs, and the ingredients are delivered fresh, so you can enjoy delicious food at home without having to spend hours in the kitchen. And best of all? It's all delivered to your home, so you don't have to worry about anything. Whether you opt for a luxurious breakfast, an extensive brunch or a chic dinner, SOUS has a menu for every occasion. And for Mother's Day we have something extra special in store. You can really pamper your mother with our Mother's Day menus. From delicious starters to decadent desserts, our menus are a treat for all the senses. Nice bonus The menus can easily be ordered online. So you don't have to worry about planning an outing to a restaurant or organizing a busy meal at home. With SOUS you can just sit back and enjoy a delicious meal, without any stress. So why not celebrate Mother's Day with a special menu from SOUS? It's the perfect way to show your mom how much you care while enjoying delicious food at home. Order now and make it a day you will never forget!

At SOUS we love good food and we want to share that with you. Travel the world with us and experience the unique flavors. Each box offers a unique experience: special and authentic dishes to share, or to eat yourself! Indian flavors in your kitchen Indian cuisine is one of the most diverse cuisines in the world, with regional specialties and dishes ranging from mild to very spicy. Curries, tandoori and naan bread are some of the best-known dishes. The rich flavors and aromas of Indian cuisine are a true sensation. The Flavors of India menu contains a selection of the most delicious and authentic Indian dishes, selected by our worldwide chefs. From butter chicken to biryani, we stimulate your taste buds with the Tastes of India menu! Shared dining Do you want to take a culinary trip around the world, but together? Then our World of Streetfood menu is exactly what you need! This menu contains a selection of the most popular street dishes from around the world. From spicy Thai noodles to Mexican quesadillas, it will be a special and varied culinary journey. And best of all? Our chefs have adapted the recipes so that you can easily prepare these delicacies at home. Discover the flavors with SOUS Whether you love Indian cuisine, are looking for new flavors, or simply want to enjoy dishes from all over the world: SOUS offers a unique culinary experience you won't want to miss. Enjoy our carefully selected and adapted dishes. Order your menu now and go on a journey of discovery with SOUS!

Spring is the season of renewal and refreshment. After a long winter, we are all looking for light, colorful dishes that give us energy and cheer us up. Fortunately, spring offers an abundance of delicious fruits and vegetables that are perfect for creating flavorful and healthy dishes. Everything with asparagus One of the first vegetables available in spring is asparagus. This vegetable is delicious, versatile and can be used in countless dishes. Including soups, salads and side dishes. A well-known, simple but very tasty dish is asparagus soup. You can completely adapt the soup to your taste by adding cream or bacon or by serving it with crispy croutons. Another spring classic is salmon with asparagus. This dish is delicious, healthy and contains many nutrients that our body needs. Add some fresh dill and you have a beautiful spring dish. Grill the salmon and asparagus for an extra flavor dimension and serve with some potatoes or rice. Risotto: great for spring because you can adapt it to the seasonal vegetables. A risotto combined with asparagus, peas, green beans and some Parmesan cheese for extra flavor. It is a delicious dish, packed with flavors! Delicious fresh meat Lamb is a beautiful piece of meat that goes perfectly with spring. Make a lamb shoulder with potatoes, tomatoes, onions and garlic. The dish is delicious and full of flavor. Bring out the flavors of the spring season! Prefer something more green For those looking for a light and refreshing salad, a spring salad with strawberries is a great option. Make a salad with fresh strawberries, blue cheese, nuts and a honey mustard dressing. It is a light and refreshing salad that is perfect for a warm spring day. Finally, a classic for this spring: potato salad with radishes. Make a potato salad with radishes, cucumber, dill and a yogurt dressing. It is a delicious and refreshing dish that is perfect for a spring picnic. As you can see, spring offers an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables, which our restaurants and chefs use with great care in their spring menus. So take a quick look at which menus you will enjoy in the near future!

Asian street food has become increasingly popular around the world in recent years. It is known for its delicious flavors, colors, unique texture and affordable prices. From Pad Thai in Thailand to Banh Mi in Vietnam and Gua Bao in Taiwan, there are countless Asian street food dishes that you absolutely must try. In this article we will discuss some of the best Asian street food dishes and where to find them so you can try these tasty dishes for yourself. pad Thai Pad Thai - Thailand Pad Thai is a famous Thai street food dish and consists of noodles stir-fried with chicken, tofu, egg and vegetables, seasoned with tamarind, fish sauce and sugar. The dish is often served with a side of peanuts and lime to enhance the flavors. Pad Thai is served in many places in Thailand, but one of the best places to try the dish is at the local markets in Bangkok, such as the famous Chatuchak Weekend Market. Windows Ramen - Japan Ramen is a Japanese noodle soup often served with pork, eggs and vegetables, all floating in a delicious broth. The dish is known for its rich flavors and use of different ingredients. Ramen can be found in many Japanese restaurants around the world, but if you are looking for the best ramen, you should head to Japan and explore the local ramen shops. One of the best places to try this dish is in the Shinjuku district of Tokyo. Banh Mi Banh Mi - Vietnam Banh Mi is a Vietnamese sandwich made with a light baguette, filled with marinated pork, vegetables and spicy herbs such as chili peppers and coriander. The dish is known for its crispy bread and tasty filling. Banh Mi can be found in many places in Vietnam, but one of the best places to try this dish is at the local markets in Ho Chi Minh City, such as the famous Ben Thanh Market. Gua Bao Gua Bao - Taiwan Gua Bao is a Taiwanese street food dish and consists of a steamed bun filled with pork, vegetables and sweet sauce. The dish is known for its soft and juicy bun and the delicious taste of the filling. Gua Bao can be found in many street markets in Taiwan, but one of the best places to try this dish is in Taipei's Da'an district. Tteokbokki Tteokbokki - South Korea Tteokbokki is a South Korean street food dish and consists of steamed rice cakes, served in a spicy sauce of gochujang (red pepper paste), sugar and soy sauce. The dish is known for its spicy taste and soft texture. Tteokbokki can be found in many places in South Korea, but one of the best places to try this dish is at the local markets in Seoul, such as Gwangjang Market or Myeong-dong Street Food Alley.

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Excellente reviews op Trustpilot (4.7)

“Een heerlijke beleving, genoten van een voortreffelijke maaktijd. Keurig verpakt, duidelijk omschreven wat je moet doen om ECHT te genieten. Wat een mooie formule!”

Corinne Wisboom

“We have ordered Sous for our anniversary dinner. Since we have two kids under three, it is not always possible to arrange a good night out. This way we could enjoy fine cuisine at the leisure of our home while the two troublemakers sleep peacefully. Delivery was smooth, preparation was easy, and tasting was ecstatic!”

Dalya Samur

“Perfect every box is unique. We have ordered for the first time during corona and many times since then. Also quite some time as a present for my friends a perfect surprise on their doorstep! Cooled delivery service is the best! Would reccomend 100%”

F. Froukje

“Besides the great concept,diverse choice and outstanding performance,communicating with Sous was next level. Customer’s experience first. Very very happy and before I forget; the food is delicious!”

J. S. De Lange

“Beide boxen (Ron’s Rames en Thai Boat) sloten qua smaken en uitvoering prima op elkaar aan ! Doen we zeker vaker!!”

Juke Matlung

“Delicious menu! Tasty and easy to prepare. You have to provide a nice ambiance yourself (nice plates, candles, music). If you create this romantic setting it will be a true 'night out'. Of course you have to go into the kitchen yourself to do the minimum of preparation, but it is also nice that you can make these beautiful creations on the plate yourself. Recommended!”


“The choice of menu and the delivery went very smooth! A great way to have a lovely diner at home with your guests, without being in the kitchen all the time. So all the time for catching up and enjoying great amazing food. Definitely something to do more often and try out the various restaurants.”

Kim Vossen-Potters

“I received this Surprise Restaurant Dinner meal prepared by Ron, the day before my birthday, from my sister-in-law who lives in Spain. I say Surprise Restaurant Dinner, because that's the ultimate experience I got after I unpacked the box, heated it according to the simple instructions and then enjoyed it with my husband of 48 years. The guy who had delivered it had given me a warm smile and said: enjoy it. ”

Linda Heymans De Souza

“We are a huge fan of Sous; as date night out of home with a baby isn’t always that easy, we often have date nights at home with a Sous box. This last time we had the Dijk 9 Herfstmenu and of all the Sous boxes we ordered the past years, this was absolutely the best!”


“Information on the site matches reality. Ordering is simple. Delivery easy to follow online and exactly on time. And the quality of the food ia always a reason for joy. For us there is no need to get in the car and drive to a restaurant anymore. And nobody has to be 'the bob' anymore.”


“Het was heerlijk. Zowel de indonesische rijsttafel als de Chinese shared dining vlees waren lekker. In december gaan we voor de Dick Middelweerd menu. Ik vind dit een super formule. Ga ik vaker gebruik van maken.”


“Een heerlijke beleving, genoten van een voortreffelijke maaktijd. Keurig verpakt, duidelijk omschreven wat je moet doen om ECHT te genieten. Wat een mooie formule!”

Corinne Wisboom

“We have ordered Sous for our anniversary dinner. Since we have two kids under three, it is not always possible to arrange a good night out. This way we could enjoy fine cuisine at the leisure of our home while the two troublemakers sleep peacefully. Delivery was smooth, preparation was easy, and tasting was ecstatic!”

Dalya Samur

“Perfect every box is unique. We have ordered for the first time during corona and many times since then. Also quite some time as a present for my friends a perfect surprise on their doorstep! Cooled delivery service is the best! Would reccomend 100%”

F. Froukje

“Besides the great concept,diverse choice and outstanding performance,communicating with Sous was next level. Customer’s experience first. Very very happy and before I forget; the food is delicious!”

J. S. De Lange

“Beide boxen (Ron’s Rames en Thai Boat) sloten qua smaken en uitvoering prima op elkaar aan ! Doen we zeker vaker!!”

Juke Matlung

“Delicious menu! Tasty and easy to prepare. You have to provide a nice ambiance yourself (nice plates, candles, music). If you create this romantic setting it will be a true 'night out'. Of course you have to go into the kitchen yourself to do the minimum of preparation, but it is also nice that you can make these beautiful creations on the plate yourself. Recommended!”


“The choice of menu and the delivery went very smooth! A great way to have a lovely diner at home with your guests, without being in the kitchen all the time. So all the time for catching up and enjoying great amazing food. Definitely something to do more often and try out the various restaurants.”

Kim Vossen-Potters

“I received this Surprise Restaurant Dinner meal prepared by Ron, the day before my birthday, from my sister-in-law who lives in Spain. I say Surprise Restaurant Dinner, because that's the ultimate experience I got after I unpacked the box, heated it according to the simple instructions and then enjoyed it with my husband of 48 years. The guy who had delivered it had given me a warm smile and said: enjoy it. ”

Linda Heymans De Souza

“We are a huge fan of Sous; as date night out of home with a baby isn’t always that easy, we often have date nights at home with a Sous box. This last time we had the Dijk 9 Herfstmenu and of all the Sous boxes we ordered the past years, this was absolutely the best!”


“Information on the site matches reality. Ordering is simple. Delivery easy to follow online and exactly on time. And the quality of the food ia always a reason for joy. For us there is no need to get in the car and drive to a restaurant anymore. And nobody has to be 'the bob' anymore.”


“Het was heerlijk. Zowel de indonesische rijsttafel als de Chinese shared dining vlees waren lekker. In december gaan we voor de Dick Middelweerd menu. Ik vind dit een super formule. Ga ik vaker gebruik van maken.”


“Een heerlijke beleving, genoten van een voortreffelijke maaktijd. Keurig verpakt, duidelijk omschreven wat je moet doen om ECHT te genieten. Wat een mooie formule!”

Corinne Wisboom

“We have ordered Sous for our anniversary dinner. Since we have two kids under three, it is not always possible to arrange a good night out. This way we could enjoy fine cuisine at the leisure of our home while the two troublemakers sleep peacefully. Delivery was smooth, preparation was easy, and tasting was ecstatic!”

Dalya Samur

“Perfect every box is unique. We have ordered for the first time during corona and many times since then. Also quite some time as a present for my friends a perfect surprise on their doorstep! Cooled delivery service is the best! Would reccomend 100%”

F. Froukje

“Besides the great concept,diverse choice and outstanding performance,communicating with Sous was next level. Customer’s experience first. Very very happy and before I forget; the food is delicious!”

J. S. De Lange

“Beide boxen (Ron’s Rames en Thai Boat) sloten qua smaken en uitvoering prima op elkaar aan ! Doen we zeker vaker!!”

Juke Matlung

“Delicious menu! Tasty and easy to prepare. You have to provide a nice ambiance yourself (nice plates, candles, music). If you create this romantic setting it will be a true 'night out'. Of course you have to go into the kitchen yourself to do the minimum of preparation, but it is also nice that you can make these beautiful creations on the plate yourself. Recommended!”


“The choice of menu and the delivery went very smooth! A great way to have a lovely diner at home with your guests, without being in the kitchen all the time. So all the time for catching up and enjoying great amazing food. Definitely something to do more often and try out the various restaurants.”

Kim Vossen-Potters

“I received this Surprise Restaurant Dinner meal prepared by Ron, the day before my birthday, from my sister-in-law who lives in Spain. I say Surprise Restaurant Dinner, because that's the ultimate experience I got after I unpacked the box, heated it according to the simple instructions and then enjoyed it with my husband of 48 years. The guy who had delivered it had given me a warm smile and said: enjoy it. ”

Linda Heymans De Souza

“We are a huge fan of Sous; as date night out of home with a baby isn’t always that easy, we often have date nights at home with a Sous box. This last time we had the Dijk 9 Herfstmenu and of all the Sous boxes we ordered the past years, this was absolutely the best!”


“Information on the site matches reality. Ordering is simple. Delivery easy to follow online and exactly on time. And the quality of the food ia always a reason for joy. For us there is no need to get in the car and drive to a restaurant anymore. And nobody has to be 'the bob' anymore.”


“Het was heerlijk. Zowel de indonesische rijsttafel als de Chinese shared dining vlees waren lekker. In december gaan we voor de Dick Middelweerd menu. Ik vind dit een super formule. Ga ik vaker gebruik van maken.”


“Een heerlijke beleving, genoten van een voortreffelijke maaktijd. Keurig verpakt, duidelijk omschreven wat je moet doen om ECHT te genieten. Wat een mooie formule!”

Corinne Wisboom

“We have ordered Sous for our anniversary dinner. Since we have two kids under three, it is not always possible to arrange a good night out. This way we could enjoy fine cuisine at the leisure of our home while the two troublemakers sleep peacefully. Delivery was smooth, preparation was easy, and tasting was ecstatic!”

Dalya Samur

“Perfect every box is unique. We have ordered for the first time during corona and many times since then. Also quite some time as a present for my friends a perfect surprise on their doorstep! Cooled delivery service is the best! Would reccomend 100%”

F. Froukje

“Besides the great concept,diverse choice and outstanding performance,communicating with Sous was next level. Customer’s experience first. Very very happy and before I forget; the food is delicious!”

J. S. De Lange

“Beide boxen (Ron’s Rames en Thai Boat) sloten qua smaken en uitvoering prima op elkaar aan ! Doen we zeker vaker!!”

Juke Matlung

“Delicious menu! Tasty and easy to prepare. You have to provide a nice ambiance yourself (nice plates, candles, music). If you create this romantic setting it will be a true 'night out'. Of course you have to go into the kitchen yourself to do the minimum of preparation, but it is also nice that you can make these beautiful creations on the plate yourself. Recommended!”


“The choice of menu and the delivery went very smooth! A great way to have a lovely diner at home with your guests, without being in the kitchen all the time. So all the time for catching up and enjoying great amazing food. Definitely something to do more often and try out the various restaurants.”

Kim Vossen-Potters

“I received this Surprise Restaurant Dinner meal prepared by Ron, the day before my birthday, from my sister-in-law who lives in Spain. I say Surprise Restaurant Dinner, because that's the ultimate experience I got after I unpacked the box, heated it according to the simple instructions and then enjoyed it with my husband of 48 years. The guy who had delivered it had given me a warm smile and said: enjoy it. ”

Linda Heymans De Souza

“We are a huge fan of Sous; as date night out of home with a baby isn’t always that easy, we often have date nights at home with a Sous box. This last time we had the Dijk 9 Herfstmenu and of all the Sous boxes we ordered the past years, this was absolutely the best!”


“Information on the site matches reality. Ordering is simple. Delivery easy to follow online and exactly on time. And the quality of the food ia always a reason for joy. For us there is no need to get in the car and drive to a restaurant anymore. And nobody has to be 'the bob' anymore.”


“Het was heerlijk. Zowel de indonesische rijsttafel als de Chinese shared dining vlees waren lekker. In december gaan we voor de Dick Middelweerd menu. Ik vind dit een super formule. Ga ik vaker gebruik van maken.”
